What We did

Rural Hospital - Mvom Nnam

Specification Description More
Type: Rural Hospital
Installation year: 2015
System size: 240 W, Standalone, power backup
Location: Mvom Nnam, Center Region, Cameroon
Mvom Nnam is a village of about 500 people, 20 km (12.5 miles) north of Sa’a, the subdivision main city a 45 min drive north from Yaoundé. It is the first location after crossing the Sanaga river (longest river in Cameroon) from the north. This is therefore a buzzling little village. With the systematic shortage or almost nonexistent grid, Patients have to face tough road conditions to go to Sa’a and seek help from the hospitals there. Conditions were rough especially at night for women when delivering babies. In August 2015, a key announcement was made at the local church that changed people lives: The hospital now has electricity, solar electricity with 14 lighting points and ability to connect small electrical equipment, donated by their sons and daughter from Lekié USA. Now with lighting, basic diagnostics, deliveries can be performed even at night. Since that day, the hospital is busy, attending its community needs in healthcare.